Sunday, February 8, 2009


Yes, yes, I got behind. Everything is fine.... mostly. The first night in Sapporo was a long one. After that we spent the night and slept on the train to Sakanami. Spent the night in Sakunami, with no internet connection, then headed back to Tokyo. The hotel in Tokyo had a outlet that my adaptor didn't fit. It takes two small prongs instead of one smaller, one bigger. So I could only update as long as my battery lasted... which wasn't long. Tonight- everything is good, recharging everything.

Now I'm in Kyoto. I took some pictures of Temples and such. More later.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to ask you about that. Japan doesn't have polarized plugs (one big, one little) like we do in the states and there are few if any grounded ones (the third round plug below the two flat ones). I bought a set of adapters for Japan. I would have loaned them to you had I thought about it.

